Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kiara's Fashion Corner: GIRLS IN JORDANS

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Anonymous said...

Hey Kiara, Nice post, so I thought I would weigh in. I am a 28 year old guy that still frequently acts like a child, and my fashion sense probably hasnt evolved with the rest of my life. I still wear alot of AF1s, Jordans, Lebrons, and skinny jeans. I recently bought my girl a pair of lebron 9 big bangs (the ones lebron wore during the all star game, check them out). They are bright orange and extremely flashy. she loves them to death, because they are alot more comfortable for her to wear than heels, and she still gets alot of attention every time we head out to the club. She does usually wear them with skinny jeans or jeggings, but leggings also work. Once you get the legs squared away, you can really wear almost anything you want for a top, even nice dresses work better than youd think. When she does wear them, she usually puts her hair up in a tall faux hawk (she has long blonde hair), and wears a clear model visor style glasses. she can hit the dance floor harder and longer than girls in heels, and she is always the center of attention (which at the end of the day makes me the center of attention haha). We always wear them out together, so we make a big splash when we hit the clubs up. Unfortunately I just had to trade my phone in because it broke, but the next time we go out, I'll get you some pictures of her, and some pictures of us together, and you can check it out, or put us up in a blog (as long as the commenters are polite about it)and see what everyone else thinks. Awesome Blog by the way, my girlfriend and I love it.

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